The Charities...

The League of Champions is not just about winning and the £500 cash prize, nor is it just about the guest players.We have carefully chosen two reputable charities to support financial and in raising awareness. please take a minute to read the short profile on the two charities and visit their websites for further information.

War Child
War Child is an international Charity that protect children living in the worlds most dangerous war zones. They currently work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Uganda and D.R Congo. War Child have a vision of a world where children's lives are no longer torn apart by war. the Charities mission is to support and strengthen the protective environment for children who, as a result of conflict, live with a combination of insecurity, povety and exclusion.

For more information please visit :

African & Caribbean Leukaemia Trust

On 2 June 2010 the ACLT celebrated the 14th Anniversary since the charity started its intrepid journey to support those who face incredible odds in their worldwide search for a life saving donor. As we approached the anniversary, Orin, Beverley and the team took time out to reflect on the tremendous challenges and achievements we have faced over the 14 years.

‘It’s too shocking for words’

Receiving the shock diagnosis that your son has Leukaemia is one thing. Being told that a tiny number of Black people are registered as potential unrelated donors is devastatingly tortuous. But a glimmer of hope springs … there is a 1 in 250,000 chance of finding a match and about 70% of children can be completely cured after five years if they receive the right treatment.

The challenge is set, and the ACLT was born!

For more information please visit :

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